Official statement regarding audio tape on coronavirus circulated on WhatsApp

Official statement regarding audio tape on coronavirus circulated on WhatsApp

24 February, 16:05 Share on social media:

“The audio tape in connection with the placement of those infected with the coronavirus in the Central Clinic Hospital circulated on social media does not reflect the truth,” reads the joint statement of Azerbaijan’s Health Ministry and the State Agency of Medical Insurance.

The hospital administration has also confirmed that the circulated information does not reflect the truth.

It is noteworthy that the mentioned audio tape was first disseminated on WhatsApp and later, on social networks.

It should be noted that if the coronavirus is identified in people entering the country, they are placed in specially allocated state medical facilities. Currently, there is no one placed in the hospital with the threat of the coronavirus. The Health Ministry and the State Agency of Medical Insurance urge people to believe only official information.