Documentary dedicated to national leader to be broadcast on AzTV tomorrow

Documentary dedicated to national leader to be broadcast on AzTV tomorrow

11 December, 15:00 Share on social media:

December 12th is the anniversary of the death of Azerbaijan’s national leader Heydar Aliyev.

The greatest Azerbaijani in the world, source of pride of our people, symbol of resilience, national leader Heydar Aliyev is the founder of the philosophy of Azerbaijanism and the symbol of Azerbaijanism, because the secret of Heydar Aliyev phenomenon is the commitment to the Motherland, native land. He elevated his people and united with his Motherland. His greatness is the foundation of his historical service.

On December 12th, Azerbaijan Television will present the “Eternity” documentary dedicated to the national leader to its viewers.

The documentary will be broadcast on Azerbaijan Television on December 12th at 06:00, 10:20, 12:30, 14:30, 17:00.